Thursday, June 3, 2010

Visualise it.

As you already read in previous post, we are on full production mode! Very soon (9th June) we have 2 events upcoming and to make it lively for you we created 2 promo-videos! Check those here:
Rookie Showcase
Check-In: to the music industry


Monday, May 31, 2010

Check-In @ Streetlab_Projectspace

5 Workshops.
5 Professionals.

Join us at Streetlab_projectspace in Amsterdam for an afternoon of workshops! We'll discuss how your music can be heard - different platforms to get your music heard and how to protect what you put out there and the very instrument you use to create your music.

Workshops will be given by:

- Earproof

- Creative Commons

- 22 Tracks

- Kwela Hermanns (Augmented Reality & music?)

- Sem Bakker (Live Legal Advice)

There is limited space so book your place now by rsvping here. Alternatively send an email to stating your name, contact details and if applicable, company/school)

After the workshops are over, there will be an after party (Rookie Showcase) at Winston Kingdom. €5 entry

More info can be found on this facebook event page

It's all coming together!

Project #1: Rooke Showcase
Our poster for the Rookie Showcase is done!
We are working together with Rookie Music (which is the music division of the Dutch side of Rookie) to put on one amazing show! We have hand-picked the best artists our two teams have to offer to make one exciting line-up of up-&-comers!
Below you will find some information on each band - whether you know their music or not, its going to be a great evening of music!
so join us @ Winston Kingdom on the 9th of June :D
Entry is a mere €5 - less than a euro a band!
Boleo Mic
Beleo Mic is a 22 year old rapper from Hoorn. He is a part of the Hip Hop group ‘Dubbel B’ and has lately released his solo-album called ‘Boleo’s Portfolio’. Boleo Mic is already important for the Hip Hop scene in his own area, and he is ready to conquer the rest of Holland!

Bende van Ellende
Bende van Ellende is a Dutch Hip Hop Group that consists of two rappers: ‘Grap’ & ‘Rustik’, and two producers: ‘Sonny Black’ & ‘Dondersteen’. Although their name means: ‘Gang of Misery’ in Dutch, their fans know that the group has a real positive message behind most of their songs. They have also recorded their own album, called: ‘Vrije Geest’.

Born in Bangkok (Thailand) in 1987, and moving to the Netherlands nine years later, Ray-T is currently using his refreshing voice for various R&B and Hip Hop projects. Ray-T’s ambition is to play his music mostly unplugged, accompanied by guitar and piano.

Rachèl Louise
After completing a study at the Musicians Institute in Hollywood (LA), Rachèl Louise has returned to the Netherlands to create her own style of music. She is currently promoting her upcoming EP with a series of living room concerts.

Right as Rain
Right as Rain is a pop band influenced by Soul, Jazz and Funk music. Although they exist for less than a year, they have already created a set list that will literally move you.

Blinky Palermo
This is a band that really creates catchy pop songs! They started developing their own style in 2006, and by now they have a real creative, alternative and cozy pop sound.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Before Quynh's Day =)))))

Before going on vacation we have done great deal of good job, that's how I personally feel!

We designed image of event, we are on the full gear in the production part and at the same time managing all the other aspects like sponsoring, communications....! Event-making is fun, it is bad for your health, but it is fun =)

By the way, if you as a visitor (preferably company) of this amazing blog are interested to sponsor our event, you can check this online flash presentation here and contact us for sponsorship package!

Have amazing holidays (to students!)

Have amazing Quynh's Day (to Quynh, our very own legal manager!)


Creative/Production manager.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

the day before the 22nd.

2mrw April the 22nd is going to be a busy day for inRecords !
Vincent is going to meet Trey from First Monday, then meet Robin from muzyQ with Kelly and Yana.
We all just hope that we can finally decide on a definite theme for the event in June.

Ater that some of us are going to attend the meeting at MINIbar in Amsterdam. I am really curious what it is like and if we get a chance to network properly.

Speaking of networking, we had quite an interesting masterclass from the founder of Tribe of Noise on Tuesday and we would really love them to be present at our event.

At last I'd like to add some pics from last week's nachos evening at Kelly's :D

q.u.y.n.h ;)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Quick update

A lot of work to do, but a lot of work done!

We got a call today that lifted our spirits a little (we'll keep this one to ourselves for now :P) but also set in a little bit of panic as we need to be completely sorted out by Monday to pull this off. *crosses fingers*

Thursday is fast approaching, which means so is our follow-up meeting with muzyQ! We have a loaded week ahead, but with all 6 of us working full steam ahead we will be fine :)
All in all this is the industry we WANT to be in, and any aspect we can have some hands on experience in is an asset to us. Personally, event production is where I think I would like to end up so doing something that involves a bit of everything, without compromising the quality level, is great!

We have a good team, and seem to enjoy working together...for the most part :P We have our down moments when the stress of everything really starts to affect us a little, but luckily we all seem to look out for each other. For example, today when morale was a bit low David silently decided we needed some cheering up so off he went to Albert Heijn, and bought everyone in our group a Kinder Surprise egg!!!

Thanks for the boost, David!

Kelly Noble :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

After that randomness...

Someday last week, MEM students came across to our glass house to invite us to an ‘outing’ they had planned for Friday – a trip to the Eurocam Media Centre in Antwerp where we would get a tour and be part of the studio audience for a gameshow “TROS Stedenspel.” Only 2 people were available for a full Friday– myself and Robyn.

Friday morning came along and at 8.30 sharp the group,which consisted of about 33 MEM students and us 2 IMM students., was on the bus ready to go! It took about 2 and a half hours to get to Antwerp, but the bus trip itself was fairly entertaining - Chupa-Chups were handed out, the radio was turned on and good old 90’s songs were sung! As we approached Eurocam the bus driver seemed to be a bit disorientated and went around the circle 3 times…it gave us an opportunity to take in the surroundings a bit more :P Eventually we got to a point where the bus could not go any further, so we all hopped out and walked to the venue – a mere 5 minutes away.

The venue is huge. It houses Nickelodeon and MTV Networks amongst others. The tour was interesting, and began with a short video introduction to the types of projects that they have worked on, all of which were on a huge scale e.g. filming & broadcasting the Winter Olympic Games. We got to see a few studios in their raw state as well as a studio set up with green screens and even the storage area for all the cables, filming vans/busses etc. They had a LOT of cables! The tour lasted about an hour, then we had lunch – it was just hanging around time until the recording began.

After some seating issues (I think the main problem was there wasn’t enough audience so they wanted t place people in such a way that it would look like there were more people :/ ) we all settled into our “seats”- where we would be for the next 5 hours! As a foreigner I knew nothing about this game show, but I can now speak about it with some knowledge: it is a game show where 2 teams – each episode one from the Netherlands and one from Belgium – compete in random tasks and activities in/on/around/ water. The word ‘random’ was definitely overused that day but it was completely appropriate.

We ended around 6, so I said goodbye to the group heading back to the bus and met my dad, who lives in Belgium (free trip to Belgium = yay!) :D

But now it’s Monday so it’s back to Rookie time! Today a lot of brainstorming was done with regards to the name of the event, the kind of image we think it should have and the overall concept. After a lot of back and forth we finally have a confirmed date and can really get the ball rolling. We now have a name, a theme and have started finalizing the proposal we will give to our ‘client’, with whom we meet on Thursday. We have a lot of work to do, but we are confident we will achieve what we want, to the standards we have set in the time given.

We have a lot of ‘events’ planned this week. Our week (and weekend) looks like this:
Thursday: meeting with FM
muzyQ meeting
22 Tracks meet-up
Friday: Soundcloud meet-up

Saturday & Sunday: Music Hack Day

Now go ahead and give your opinion on this:

Linkedin Event
Facebook Event


Kelly Noble ;)
